ABC Rural News Online | Rural news |
Australian Livestock & Property Agents | ALPA - the peak industry body for livestock and propery agents |
Meat & Livestock Australia | Providing R&D, market information and marketing on the red meat industry in Australia |
National Livestock Reporting Service | Data from the key auction and direct markets across Australia |
Australian Community Media | Articles on industry and lifestyle issues affecting rural Australia |
Safemeat | Partnership between the red meat and livestock industry and the state and federal governments of Australia |
Animal Health Declarations | National Animal Health Declarations are a way for producers to provide information about the animal health status of their flocks and herds. |
Cattle National Vendor Declaration & Waybill | How to complete a National Vendor Declaration & Waybill for Cattle |
Sample Cattle National Vendor Declaration & Waybill | Sample National Vendor Declaration & Waybill for Cattle |
EU Cattle National Vendor Declaration & Waybill | How to complete a National Vendor Declaration & Waybill for EU Cattle |
Sample EU Cattle National Vendor Declaration & Waybill | Sample National Vendor Declaration & Waybill for EU Cattle |
Sheep & Lamb National Vendor Declaration & Waybill | How to complete a National Vendor Declaration & Waybill for Sheep & Lambs |
Sample Sheep & Lamb National Vendor Declaration & Waybill | Sample National Vendor Declaration & Waybill for Sheep & Lambs |
Goat National Vendor Declaration & Waybill | How to complete the National Vendor Declaration & Waybill for Goats |
Sample Goat National Vendor Declaration & Waybill | Sample National Vendor Declaration & Waybill for Goats |
Bobby Calf National Vendor Declaration & Waybill | How to complete the National Vendor Declaration & Waybill for Bobby Calves |
Sample Bobby Calf National Vendor Declaration & Waybill | Sample National Vendor Declaration & Waybill for Bobby Calves |
NSW Sheep NVD | How to complete a sheep NVD correctly in NSW |
Non-vendor bred sheep/goats | What you need to do to sell non-vendor bred sheep and goats in NSW |
Is the animal fit to load? | To download the guide or to order a hard copy, visit: |
Managing Effluent in the Livestock Supply Chain | To download a copy of the code of practice click here |