2024 AusSaleyards Expo to be held in Melbourne

The AusSaleyards Expo is an exciting event for the Australian saleyards industry and it’s scheduled to take place in Melbourne in 2024. This expo is a significant gathering for professionals involved in the saleyards industry and it provides a platform for showcasing the latest innovations, technologies, and best practices in the industry. One of the key aspects of the AusSaleyards Expo is its focus on education and networking. It often hosts seminars, workshops and presentations by industry experts, allowing attendees to gain valuable insights into market trends, animal care practices, and marketing strategies. The choice of Melbourne as the host city for the expo is strategic, as Melbourne is not only one of Australia’s major economic hubs but also has excellent facilities for hosting large-scale events. Attendees can expect a well-organized and productive experience, with ample opportunities to connect with peers, learn from experts, and discover the latest advancements in the livestock industry. As the event draws closer in 2024 more details will be released about the specific dates, venue, and agenda. It’s an event that promises to be both informative and enjoyable for all those involved in the Australian saleyards industry. So mark your calendars and stay tuned for updates!

2023 Industry Champion Award – Roma Saleyards

The ALMA Saleyards Industry Champion Award recognises a saleyard that champions saleyards across four key areas:
How we care for our animals
How we care for our people
How we contribute to the economy, and
How we contribute to the community.
The 2023 Industry Champion Award goes to Roma Saleyards and the Maranoa Regional Council.
Pictured: Daniel Haslop, Roma Saleyards and Andrea Lethbridge, ALPA

2023 Animal Welfare Award Winner – WAMIA Muchea Livestock Centre

The ALMA Excellence in Animal Welfare Award recognises a saleyards with excellent animal welfare practices. The 2023 winner is WAMIA Muchea Livestock Centre, Western Australia.
Pictured: Steve Loane, ALMA Board; Cassi Walmsley, Forbes (previous winner); and Peter Malady, Muchea.